Advanced Extraction Systems Inc. has been building high-pressure supercritical fluid CO2 extraction systems since 2012 for the botanical industry, shifting to cannabis and hemp in 2016.
Our goal has always been to provide the very best of the best, and never sacrifice quality for cost. This allows us to provide a low-maintenance, high-performance system that will keep up with any type of demand.
Our CO2 extraction systems are unique in design, efficiency, and ease of operation.
We offer the cleanest, safest, most compliant and performance-driven solutions for world markets demanding strict compliance with euGMP guidelines. AESI will meet and exceed all local regulations and certifications worldwide.
AESI systems can be differentiated from the competition in six key technical ways:

better pump reliability

superior flow rates

superior fractionation

eugmp ease/readiness

When entering a new market, Advanced Extraction Systems always obtains any and all local required certification. We are proud to provide safe and reliable equipment for our partners.

About this Certification
CRN (Canadian Registration Number) is required in all provinces and territories (jurisdictions) throughout Canada where the pressure vessel will be operated. The system is governed by the general CSA B 51 standard, but every province or territory can add their own specific rules to make the standard enforceable. A CRN number will be required for each jurisdiction where the pressure vessel will be operated. CRN does reference many ASME codes, however the B51 standard adds many additional rules and is specific to Canada. ASME alone is not sufficient to legally and safely operate a pressure vessel system within Canada.

About this Certification
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) is an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard that regulates the design and construction of boilers and pressure vessels. Many countries around the world require this standard.

About this Certification
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI) is an organization that develops standards, training programs, and certifications to promote greater safety to life and property through uniformity in the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of pressure equipment. Most notably, the National Board is responsible for the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), an internationally recognized standard providing rules for the installation, inspection, and repair and/or alteration of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure relief devices.

About this Certification
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU of the European Union sets out the standards for the design and fabrication of pressure equipment. PED also lays out administrative procedure requirements for a conformity assessment, allowing for free placing in the European market without any added local legislative requirements. PED has been mandatory throughout the EU since 30 May 2002.

About this Certification
CSA International (Canadian Standards Association), a member of the CSA Group, is a provider of product testing and certification services for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, gas and a variety of ot her products. Recognized in the U.S., Canada and around the world, CSA’s marks appear on billions of products worldwide. Electrical equipment used in electrical installations within the jurisdiction of the inspection department shall be approved and shall be of a kind or type and rating approved for the specific purpose for which it is to be employed. CSA International certification marks indicate that a product, process or service has been tested to a Canadian or U.S. standard and it meets the requirements of an applicable CSA standard or another recognized document used as a basis for certification.

About this Certification
Conformité Européenne, or European Conformity (CE) marking is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the Eu ropean Economic Area (EEA). The CE marking can also be found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA. The CE marking is the manufacturer’s declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable European directives.

About this Certification
Pressure Safety Inspectors (PSI) offers third party independent design verification (otherwise referred to as an engineering peer review) of extraction equipment. PSI has performed reviews for over tw o dozen original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and has developed internal procedures that provide the most comprehensive engineering peer review available for extraction equipment. Our reports are sealed by engineers licensed in California, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington. International Fire Code 2018 NFPA 1 Fire Code, 2018 Edition NFPA 55 Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids Code, 2013 Edition NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 2017 Edition ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, 2017 ASME B31.3 Process Piping, 2012.
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Contact us today to see how easy it is to own the best equipment on the market.
Financing and leasing options available.
25 4th Street, Suite 200
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
C1E 2B4 Canada
PHONE: 1-877-396-8801